Are biotech’s dog days over? What’s a PIPE? And what can unseat Wegovy?
We cover all that and more this week on “The Readout LOUD,” STAT’s biotech podcast. We dive into the the latest craze in the world of biotech finance, involving hedge funds and some insider information, and explain why not everyone thinks it’s such a good idea. We also discuss a banner month for biotech stocks and the latest twist in obesity research.
For more on what we cover, here’s more on PIPEs; here’s the news from Viking Therapeutics; here’s the latest in MASH; here’s where you can find episodes of Color Code; here’s where you can subscribe to the First Opinion Podcast; and here’s where you can subscribe to our biotech newsletter, The Readout.
Be sure to sign up on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, TuneIn, or wherever you get your podcasts.
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