Nominate a 2024 STAT Wunderkind
STAT Wunderkinds is a chance to celebrate early-career researchers who are not yet independent scientists or program leaders. We want to honor postdocs, interns, fellows — people who have terminal degrees in hand, but aren’t running their own research programs yet. Entries are now due by July 15, 2024. We encourage you to inform your candidate of the nomination.
This short nomination form requires the following:
• A nomination letter from the person submitting the candidate
• A PDF of a research paper by the nominee
• The nominee’s CV or resume
• A headshot of the nominee
• Contact information for the nominator, nominee, and nominee’s institution
People working as assistant or associate professors, founders, C-suite level execs, or section heads as of Jan. 1, 2024 are not eligible. Research must have been published or accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal by the entry deadline. For full eligibility criteria, please see our FAQ before filling out this form. If you still have questions, email [email protected]. Please read our Terms and Conditions.